Titan Pantry
Our Titan pantry is low on stock. We need your help to replenish items. So if you’re out shopping this weekend or next, please consider grabbing a few of these items for our fellow Titan families. Drop off through March 10.
What Is Needed?
Shelf stable cow's milk
Breakfast cereal
Pancake mix
Maple Syrup
Fruit preserves, jams, jellies
Canned fruit
Dried fruit
Fruit cups
Ramen noodles
Peanut butter/nut butters
Pasta Sauce
Rice (no more than 2lb)
Dried beans (no more than 2 lb)
Canned veggies
Canned or boxed soups (butternut squash, red pepper/tomato, chicken noodle)
Boxed broths
Canned meats (chicken, spam, tuna, salmon)
Snacks for Teens + Kids: popcorn, Takis, chips, popcorners, Rice Krispie treats, cookies
Gift cards (Giant, Safeway, Target)
Paper grocery bags
IMPORTANT: No glass jars; No Costco-sized containers (unless packaged in smaller, individual sized portions), No containers larger than 1 or 2 lbs; No expired items.
Drop Off Locations
North Woodside
Gillian Huebner
1925 Luzerne Ave
Wheaton Hills
Kirstin Goldston
11718 Lytle Street
Capitol View
Rachel Leanza
3101 Virginia Ave.
Woodside Park
Monisha Kaul
1535 Red Oak Drive
Near Einstein
Christine Alden
3508 Astoria Court
McKenney Hills
Ashley Burton del Sole
10210 Duvawn Place
Forest Estates
Kim Engstrom
1628 Belvedere Blvd
Financial donations are always accepted through Member Hub