Shop with Us

Throughout the year we receive donations when you shop at these establishments. Please check back often as we hope to add more vendors. 

Snider's Grocery Store

We are pleased to be working with Snider's Grocery in Silver Spring. Every time you shop a percentage of sales are contributed to our PTSA. Save your receipts and turn them into Heather Lair ( You will be helping Einstein every time you shop at Sniders! Share this information with family, friends and neighbors. 

See's Candies

Throughout the year, we receive profits from any items you purchase from the AEHS online storefront.

Support the Businesses that Support Einstein

Before you buy the next gift or book the next trip or adventure, please check out our supporters here and see if you can buy from them as a thank you for being so supportive of Albert Einstein High School. Let them know that you are part of the AEHS community and recommend these businesses to your friends and family.